Aigner & Travon
Aigner & Travon

The Countdown to Forever is On! Welcome to #LOVEtheWILLIAMS

Aigner Watkins
Travon Williams

May 28th 2022
Montego Bay Jamaica
1001 Days Ago

From high school sweethearts, to parents, to husband and wife. Our journey started back in September of 2010 when we caught each other's eye at a party we were both attending with mutual friends. By October 27th 2010, we were officially an item and inseparable to say the least. Being a year older, I graduated, so we parted ways for school, which led us to take a break the start of 2012.  We aimed to focus less on missing each other and more on our growth as individuals, but that didn't last long.  By 2013, our schools were only hours apart, so we rekindled our forever and always ( that's what we use to tell each other after I love you 🥰) bond and became closer than ever. You wouldn't see one without the other until 2015  when Travon got an offer to play basketball in West Virginia.  I, having graduated from college earlier that year, moved back home so we would only see each other every month or two during his year there.  However, he missed his family and wasn't a fan of the school so he came home to continue school, and we've been stuck like glue ever since!
In 2019, we welcomed our beautiful daughter, Amora, into our family and it's been the life of parents ever since.

Christmas Eve 2020, Travon proposed to me.  "I SAID YES!" and it felt good to be officially engaged. There are definitely levels to life long partnerships and we will keep conquering them together. 

Our countdown to FOREVER has begun!