Annessa & Maurice
Annessa & Maurice

We Still Do!!!

Annessa Clark
Maurice Hargraves

September 14th 2024
Montego Bay Jamaica
161 Days Ago

If you've made it this far then you know most if not all of the bride and groom's story. They started talking and hanging out summer of 2010 after bonding over the show Monk. Maurice asked to make it official September 14th through text. He texted Annessa and asked If she wanted to be his girlfriend, and to answer yes, no or maybe? Lol Here they are 13 years together and about to celebrate 10 years of marriage. Speaking of marriage, they got married on a random day in May 2014 because Maurice called out of work and convinced Annessa to also leave work early. She told her job a lie in order to leave and when she got in the car with him he asked if she wanted to go to the court house and get married. Of course she said "Hell Yeah!" And that's what they did. No ring, no family or anything. Hindsight they definitely would have done it differently but don't regret it at all. Because here they are a decade in with two beautiful children!! So allow them to make up for it and do it right this time.